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Improving resilience and food security in 2050 climate through soilless precise agricultural techniques and irrigation with wastewater properly treated by innovative technologies to ensure food safety
Project Coordinator: Massimo Del Bubba PhD, University of Florence, Italy
University of Florence - Department of Chemistry "Ugo Schiff"
University of Florence - Department of Agriculture, Food, Environment and Forestry (DAGRI)
University of Bejaia - Faculty of Science of Nature and Life - Biomathematics Biophysics Biochemistry and
Scientometry Laboratory
University of Liège - Faculty of Sciences - Department of Environmental Sciences and Management
National Research Centre Water Research &
Pollution Control Department
University of Cadi Ayyad Faculty of science Semlalia Laboratory of Water - Biodiversity and Climate change
SECUREFOOD2050 project was funded by the 2019 JOINT CALL OF THE ERA-NET COFUND ON FOOD SYSTEMS AND CLIMATE. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 862555.
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